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Can CBD Help Your Dog Sleep Better? [How to Use]

Yes, CBD may help your dog sleep. Research suggests that CBD has a variety of therapeutic benefits for dogs that, together, may contribute to better sleep. 

Many pet parents have turned to cannabidiol (CBD) to help their dogs with mobility or staying calming during 4th of July fireworks. 

But can CBD help your dog get better sleep at night?

The answer is likely yes. Research suggests that CBD has a variety of therapeutic benefits for dogs that, together, may contribute to better sleep. 

In this article, we’re going to discuss the potential benefits CBD has for your dog’s sleep and look at how it works.

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Causes & Symptoms of Dog Insomnia

Canine insomnia has a variety of causes. Reasons your dog may struggle to sleep at night include canine cognitive dysfunction (dementia), anxiety, stress, pain, and excessive itchiness. 

Dogs who struggle with insomnia may exhibit nighttime symptoms such as pacing, whining, barking, or other acts of confusion. These dogs may also try to wake their human family members, and they will often be more tired than normal the next day. 

Insomnia is more common in older dogs. However, some younger dogs with anxiety or itching problems may also have insomnia.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid that naturally occurs in the hemp plant. Hemp is a type of cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. This is purely a legal definition; in practice, it’s the same plant with the same benefits, minus the high THC concentration in raw form.

Research suggests CBD has a variety of benefits in humans, but it’s also been studied for its therapeutic potential in animals, particularly, dogs and cats. 

Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive. This means it won’t create any sort of a ‘high’ effect for your dog. Instead, CBD creates mental and physical balance without being inebriating.

Can CBD Help Dogs Sleep Better?

Yes, CBD may promote restful sleep in dogs. Studies done on rats have found that CBD increased sleeping time, and studies in dogs suggest CBD has therapeutic potential for pain, inflammation, anxiety, stress, fear of loud noises, and itching, all of which are causes of canine insomnia. 

CBD may help dogs sleep better by supporting both mental and physical health, thereby promoting comprehensive wellness that includes a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

CBD works best for dogs when combined with other sleep-supportive measures, such as regular exercise and the provision of a comfortable sleeping environment.

Potential Benefits of CBD for Dog Sleep

CBD may promote better sleep for your dog from a variety of angles. Here’s what research and anecdotal evidence have to say about CBD’s benefits for sleep in dogs.


While there isn’t any clinical research on CBD for sleep in dogs, there has been research done on rats.

In a 2013 study, the total percentage of sleep significantly increased in the rats that were given doses of 10 or 40mg/kg of CBD, as compared to the placebo group [1].

Anecdotal evidence suggests these benefits also apply to dogs. 

Pain & inflammation

Physical discomfort is a major cause of insomnia in dogs, and while CBD isn’t a proven treatment for pain, research suggests CBD may have analgesic (pain-reducing) and anti-inflammatory properties in dogs.

In a 2018 study, dogs were given either CBD oil or placebo oil every 12 hours for 4 weeks. The researchers found that, across two tests, dogs who were given CBD oil showed a significant decrease in pain and increase in activity [2].

Additionally, a 2023 research review identified five different studies in which CBD “significantly reduced pain and increased activity in dogs”, thereby improving their quality of life [3].

Another study found that CBD had anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties in dogs [4].

By helping your dog get comfortable at night, CBD may contribute to better sleep.

Anxiety & stress

Anxiety and stress are major contributors to canine insomnia, as they keep your dog from being able to settle down (literally and metaphorically). 

Research suggests CBD may have anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties in dogs.

In a 2023 study, researchers tested the effects of CBD for dogs with separation anxiety and travel anxiety.

The dogs underwent two tests: being left alone in a familiar room and going on a short car journey. The researchers gave some of the dogs CBD, while they gave others a placebo.

Dogs who received a 4 mg/kg dose of CBD showed fewer signs of stress than those who didn’t, with the researchers noting that in some tests, the dogs who were given CBD experienced “a significant reduction in canine stress compared to the placebo group” [5].

Fear of loud noises

Loud noises, such as fireworks, may create panic in your dog and impede their ability to sleep. Most pet parents are familiar with the troubles their dog goes through on 4th of July, New Year’s Eve, and other similar occasions. 

While no research has looked specifically at CBD for noise-induced anxiety in dogs, there are studies indicating that it has generally mentally relaxing properties (such as those above). 

Anecdotally, many people find that CBD helps their dog(s) stay calm in the presence of loud noises. 

Skin health & itching

Skin discomfort and itching, which are commonly caused by allergies, can make it more difficult for your dog to fall asleep and sleep comfortably throughout the night. 

Several studies suggest CBD may help with itching and skin discomfort in dogs. 

One study looked at the impact of CBD on the daily activity of adult dogs. While the study found that CBD did not impact activity levels, it did find that CBD may exert an antipruritic, or anti-itching, effect [6].

Another study, which examined 8 dogs with canine atopic dermatitis (CAD), found that CBD “decreased the occurrence of [itching] in dogs with CAD when ingested twice a day [7].”

How Does CBD Work for Dogs?

CBD renders benefits for dogs by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). 

The ECS is a receptor system in the bodies of humans and animals (including dogs) that regulates their vital functions. Among other things, it plays a large role in regulating emotions, the sleep-wake cycle, the stress and anxiety responses, the pain and inflammatory responses. 

CBD interacts with the ECS in ways that allow it to maintain normal, healthy mental and physical states in dogs.

Unlike many cannabinoids, CBD doesn’t bind strongly to the CB1 or CB2 receptors in the ECS. 

Instead, it renders its benefits by exerting a general supportive effect on the ECS in dogs. CBD doesn’t create overtly positive sensations; rather, it restores mental and physical balance.

More research is needed on the exact mechanisms by which CBD works on the ECS to help dogs sleep better.

However, what we know so far indicates that CBD promotes better sleep for dogs in a comprehensive way, whereas most drugs target a single process in the body.

Side Effects of CBD for Dogs

CBD is generally considered safe and well-tolerated in dogs. However, it may cause some side effects.

Potential side effects of CBD in dogs include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Inappetence
  • Diarrhea

To ensure your dog doesn’t experience these side effects, be sure to start them off with small doses of CBD and slowly work your way up (more on this below).

Types of CBD Products for Dogs

You can give your dog human CBD products, however, sticking with products designed specifically for pets enures the product is low-THC and designed to be appealing to dogs. 

Here’s a bit about the different types of CBD products for dogs:


CBD oil for dogs typically consists of carrier oil, hemp extract, and added terpenes (hemp compounds with additional benefits). Our oils also include flavoring, such as bacon or peanut butter, so that they’re more appealing to your dog. 

The benefit of choosing oil-based CBD delivery for your dog is that you can measure very precise doses. To help your dog get better sleep, you’ll likely need to adjust their dose gradually over time; CBD oil enables you to do this easily.

Additionally, CBD oil is versatile in that you can administer it directly or add it to your dog’s food (the latter option is far easier, our experience). 

CBD Treats

Since your dog is probably already used to treats, they won’t think anything is amiss when you hand them a CBD-infused pet treat. Treats are also a convenient CBD delivery method if you’re going to be traveling with your dog. 

CBD treats offer a fixed-dose delivery method, making it easy to deliver the same dose of CBD to your dog each time. The downside is that it’s harder to break treats down into exacting doses. 

CBD Bones

If your dog loves bones, a CBD dog bone is a great way for them to engage in an activity they enjoy while also soaking up the benefits of CBD.

However, if you’re using CBD with your dog specifically to help them get a good night’s sleep, bones aren’t as reliable a delivery method. 

This is because most bones don’t contain enough CBD to render strong therapeutic benefits from a single chewing session. It’s also difficult to measure how much CBD your dog is getting from the bone each time they chew on it.

CBD Dosage for Sleep in Dogs

We recommend you use a weight-based formula to calculate your dog’s dose of CBD for sleep. The amount of CBD your dog will need is largely dependent on how small or large they are.

Starting out, you can use the following formula:

(0.2) x (your dog’s body weight in lbs.) = your dog’s nightly CBD dosage for sleep in mg. 

Once you’ve given your dog this dose nightly for at least one week, increase it or decrease it as needed until the desired result is achieved.

For more, see our article on CBD dosage for dogs.

Natural Ways CBD treats for dogs

Other Ways to Help Your Dog Sleep Better

CBD can help your furry friend sleep better at night, but it’s far from the only way you can help your dog get better-quality rest. 

Here are some tips on how you can help your dog sleep better.

Talk to your veterinarian

While not a remedy in itself, if your dog is having trouble sleeping to the point that they are consistently drowsy during the day, the first thing we recommend doing is consulting your dog’s veterinarian.

A veterinarian – especially one who knows your dog’s health history – will be able to figure out why your dog is struggling to fall asleep and prescribe or suggest medicines or remedies to mitigate the situation.

Create a comfortable environment

If your dog is having trouble sleeping, one of the first things you should check is that their sleeping environment is comfortable. 

Ensure your dog has comfortable bedding, that the room is not too hot or cold, and that the environment is quiet and dark when it’s time for them to sleep.

Use natural remedies

If you have an elderly dog that struggles to sleep due to cognitive decline, supplements such as omega fats can support your dog’s brain health. 

For dogs who struggle to sleep for other reasons, calming supplements like valerian, passionflower, and melatonin may be beneficial. 

Ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise

Many dogs, especially when they’re younger, have an abundance of energy and a need to expend it. 

Ensuring your dog gets plenty of exercise during the day is one of the best ways to ensure that they are tired – rather than restless or bored – at night. 

Conclusion: Is CBD Beneficial for a Dog’s Sleep?

CBD may help your pup sleep better. While more clinical trials on dogs are needed before we understand the extent to which CBD helps dogs sleep, research in other areas suggests that CBD may help dogs by supporting health in a variety of areas. 

However, it’s important to remember that CBD is just a supplement. It’s not a treatment for any chronic condition your dog may have, and therefore, it should be used to promote overall health, not treat or cure a specific problem. 

If your dog is struggling to sleep, we always recommend consulting with your veterinarian as the first line of defense. They will be able to help you determine what your dog needs and whether CBD should be a part of it.

CBD for Dog Sleep: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions our customers frequently ask us about CBD for dog sleep.

Can I give CBD to my dog for sleep?

Yes, you can give your dog CBD to promote better sleep. CBD has many potential benefits for sleep in dogs, and it’s generally considered safe and well-tolerated to use with dogs.

How much CBD does it take to sedate a dog?

While CBD dosing is always weight-dependent, larger doses of CBD (10-50mg) may create sedative effects in dogs. However, the goal of using CBD for your dog’s sleep isn’t to sedate them; CBD works by addressing problems that prevent sleep, rather than inducing strong sedative effects.

How many hours does CBD last for dogs?

CBD may last 4-6 hours for dogs if taken in a treat and 6-8 hours if taken in the form of a CBD oil.

Does CBD actually relax dogs?

Yes. CBD may relax dogs by creating mild calming effects and addressing mental and physical stressors.


[1] Chagas, M. H., Crippa, J. A., Zuardi, A. W., Hallak, J. E., Machado-de-Sousa, J. P., Hirotsu, C., Maia, L., Tufik, S., & Andersen, M. L. (2013). Effects of acute systemic administration of cannabidiol on sleep-wake cycle in rats. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 27(3), 312–316.

[2] Gamble, Lauri-Jo et al. “Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs.” Frontiers in veterinary science vol. 5 165. 23 Jul. 2018, doi:10.3389/fvets.2018.00165

[3] Di Salvo, Alessandra et al. “Pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and safety of cannabidiol in dogs: an update of current knowledge.” Frontiers in veterinary science vol. 10 1204526. 30 Jun. 2023, doi:10.3389/fvets.2023.1204526

[4] Gugliandolo, Enrico et al. “Effect of Cannabidiol (CBD) on Canine Inflammatory Response: An Ex Vivo Study on LPS Stimulated Whole Blood.” Veterinary sciences vol. 8,9 185. 4 Sep. 2021, doi:10.3390/vetsci8090185

[5] Hunt, Alysia B G et al. “A single dose of cannabidiol (CBD) positively influences measures of stress in dogs during separation and car travel.” Frontiers in veterinary science vol. 10 1112604. 22 Feb. 2023, doi:10.3389/fvets.2023.1112604

[6] Morris, E. M., Kitts-Morgan, S. E., Spangler, D. M., Gebert, J., Vanzant, E. S., McLeod, K. R., & Harmon, D. L. (2021). Feeding Cannabidiol (CBD)-Containing Treats Did Not Affect Canine Daily Voluntary Activity. Frontiers in veterinary science, 8, 645667.

[7] Mogi, C., Yoshida, M., Kawano, K., Fukuyama, T., & Arai, T. (2022). Effects of cannabidiol without delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on canine atopic dermatitis: A retrospective assessment of 8 cases. The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne, 63(4), 423–426.