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CBG vs. CBD: Differences, Benefits, Effects, and More

CBD and CBG are both cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. Read this guide to learn about the differences in their abundance, effects, and benefits.

You’ve already heard of CBD, the hemp-derived cannabinoid that has therapeutic potential for everything from sleep troubles to social anxiety.  

But what about CBG?

This cannabinoid – also one that’s naturally found in hemp – has become increasingly popular as researchers find that it may have many of the same benefits as CBD. And the firsthand experiences of people who have used CBG indicate that it may even surpass CBD in some cases. 

In this article, we’re going to give you a full breakdown of the differences between CBG and CBD – we’ll discuss what they are, the effects of each, the potential benefits of each, and more, so that you can choose the best cannabinoid for your needs. 

CBG vs CBD Differences Chart

What is CBG?

Cannabigerol (CBG) is one of more than 100+ naturally occurring cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Although not as abundant as cannabinoids like CBD and delta 9 THC, it has an abundance of benefits as these other cannabinoids do. 

CBG is incredibly important in the formation of other cannabinoids: every cannabinoid in hemp starts as CBGa (cannabigerolic acid), the acidic form of CBG. CBGa can then become CBG, CBDa, THCa, or CBCa, which are further refined into CBD, THC, and so on. 

Because of this, CBG has earned the nickname “the mother of all cannabinoids,” even though what people are referring to is CBGa, its acidic parent cannabinoid. 

Why is CBG More Expensive To Produce Than CBD?

CBD is very abundant in hemp (6-7%), and along with THC, is one of the most dominant cannabinoids in hemp. For this reason, it’s considered a major cannabinoid. 

By contrast, CBG typically occurs in small amounts (<1%), making it a minor cannabinoid. For CBG to be extracted and collected in large enough amounts to make potent products, greater amounts of hemp are required than are necessary for CBD or THC extracts. 

What this means is that CBG is more expensive to produce than CBD, so CBG products may cost more. 

What is CBG Hemp?

CBG hemp refers to cannabis strains that are genetically altered such that they contain high potencies of CBG. 

Normally, as discussed above, hemp is THC- or CBD-dominant; CBG hemp is CBG-dominant.

What is CBD?

Like CBG, cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid that occurs naturally in hemp. 

It’s gained widespread attention and use because it’s beneficial for many different things, including anxiety, pain, and sleep support. 

Unlike CBG, CBD is abundant in hemp. This is part of the reason it’s been researched so much – along with THC, it’s largely responsible for many of the benefits of unaltered cannabis strains.  

CBD has been researched for stress, anxiety, sleep, pain, inflammation, and many other uses. 

What’s the Difference Between CBG and CBD?

The main difference between CBG and CBD is that CBD is a major cannabinoid, while CBG is a minor cannabinoid – CBD naturally occurs in hemp/cannabis in larger amounts than CBG. These cannabinoids also interact differently with your body, creating unique sets of benefits and effects. 

CBG vs. CBD: How They Work

Cannabinoids like CBG and CBD work by interacting with your endocannabinoid system (ECS), a receptor system responsible for keeping your body in homeostasis, or balance. 

Your ECS regulates all of your vital functions, including, but not limited to, the sleep-wake cycle, immune response, inflammatory response, and mood. 

The homeostasis that the ECS works to maintain is a state of normal health for the mind and body. The ECS usually works fine on its own, but introducing outside cannabinoids can support this bodily system during times of mental or physical stress. 

There are two main types of receptors in your ECS: 

  • CB1 receptors are primarily found in the central nervous system and are responsible for regulating how cannabinoids affect the brain. They also control the psychoactive effects of cannabinoids.
  • CB2 receptors are found in tissues throughout the body, but not in the nervous system. They’re primarily responsible for regulating how cannabinoids affect the body.

CBG binds with the CB1 and CB2 receptors, enabling it to render mental and physical effects. 

CBD, by contrast, doesn’t bind to either major receptor type. Instead, researchers think it promotes wellness by preventing the breakdown of endocannabinoids – it has a more broad supportive function, whereas CBG works in more specific ways.

Research has also found that CBD has beneficial effects on the mind because it affects the way neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin) work in your brain. CBD may function similarly to many selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a class of medications used for depression and anxiety. 

Natural Ways CBD and CBG gummies

CBG vs. CBD Effects: How Do They Make You Feel?

Chemical differences are one thing – what about the differences between CBG and CBD that you can feel?

CBG and CBD each produce distinct feelings, or “effect profiles,” when you use them. Both cannabinoids are technically psychoactive, in that they affect the mind, but neither will get you high as cannabinoids like THC will. 

CBG’s effect profile tends to be uplifting and energizing. Many people compare the experience of using CBG to drinking a coffee – a mental lift, but nothing like a head high

CBD, on the other hand, is more relaxing and calming. It may be sedative in large doses, but most of the time it isn’t. 

There is also a strength difference. Most people report that CBG is very noticeable in its effects, while the feeling CBD gives is less distinctive. 

Instead, CBD’s effects are best thought of as an absence of negative sensations, rather than an obvious presence of pleasant sensations. 

CBG vs. CBD Benefits: How They Compare

Before diving deep into the benefits of CBG and CBD, let’s look at how they do and don’t overlap. 

Potential benefits shared by CBG and CBD

  • Pain and Inflammation – Both CBG and CBD have therapeutic potential for pain and inflammation. They’re commonly used conditions like arthritis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, and neuropathic pain. There is some research to support the efficacy of CBG and CBD for these uses, but everything is preliminary – neither cannaibnoid is a proven pain treatment. 
  • Anxiety and Depression –  CBG and CBD both have the potential for use with anxiety and depression – CBG, because it’s uplifting and energizing, and CBD, because it’s relaxing and balance-restoring. There is some research to support this.
  • Effects on THC –  A final benefit that CBG and CBD have – one that isn’t necessarily medical – is that they improve the effects of THC. CBG may create a more energetic, euphoric high when blended with THC, and it may also reduce the negative side effects, such as anxiety and paranoia, that THC is sometimes known to cause. CBD may render more therapeutic benefits when combined with THC, and it may reduce the cognitive impairment, anxiety, paranoia, and heart rate increases that THC can cause. 

Unique potential benefits of CBG 

  • Neurological Health – Research suggests that CBG may have neuroprotective benefits. Studies have found that CBG may slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease.
  • Appetite StimulationRodent studies have found that CBG increases appetite, indicating that should be researched further for use as an appetite stimulant in chronic disease patients. 

Unique potential benefits of CBD

  • Sleep – CBD is unique in that it can promote comprehensive relaxation without creating any energizing effects or creating a head high – it’s little wonder that sleep is the most common reason people buy CBD. CBG has many of the same benefits, but because it’s energizing and uplifting, most people find it better for use during the day.
  • Epilepsy – Research suggests CBD has anti-convulsant (anti-seizure) properties. It’s even FDA-approved as a seizure medication for specific forms of epilepsy in the form of Epidiolex. 

CBD gummies for sleep

Potential Benefits of CBG

Research and anecdotal evidence suggests CBG has a variety of benefits: 

CBG can promote energy and focus

CBG has energizing, mentally clarifying effects. 

Many people who use CBG describe its effects as similar to coffee: energizing, but in a smooth way that helps them focus without being too overwhelming.

Because of this, many people find CBG helpful for ADHD. In a survey from 2021, 70.8% of respondents with ADHD saw an improvement in their condition after using products containing a mix of CBG and CBD. 

CBG is a favorite for daytime use because, like many strains of delta 8 THC and delta 9 THC flower, it can uplift the mind – but it does so without causing any cognitive impairment. 

CBG can support a healthy inflammatory & pain response

Research suggests that CBG may have anti-inflammatory effects, and anecdotal evidence supports this as well.

Many people find CBG useful for various forms of pain and inflammation, and it’s frequently used for problems that have their roots in inflammation, or that cause physical discomfort.  

Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBG may help with discomfort from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as well as the related, but less serious, inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS)

Studies have also investigated the use of CBG for arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and other inflammatory conditions for which opioids and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are commonly prescribed.

In the realm of personal experience, in a survey of 127 people using CBG-predominant cannabis and cannabis products, 73.9% of respondents claimed that CBG was superior to prescription medications for pain. 

While clinical evidence is needed, it’s clear that CBG has therapeutic potential for pain and should be investigated further.

CBG can support neurological health

Research suggests CBG may promote neurological health and help with neurodegenerative disorders. 

CBG has been studied for use with Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease, two conditions that erode the function of the nervous system and brain.

Studies so far indicate that CBG may be able to slow the progression of these diseases.

Anecdotally, we’ve had customers (and heard testimonials from other hemp users) use CBG for damage caused by lupus and other neurological disorders.

CBG can boost appetite

Studies on rodents have found that CBG can increase appetite. Researchers think it may have the potential to be developed into an appetite stimulant medication. 

Appetite stimulants are used for patients with chronic illnesses that cause weight loss. 

In some cases, the weight loss is due to disease treatment (e.g. chemotherapy for cancer), while other times, it’s due to the disease itself. 

CBG improves the effects of THC

When you add CBG to THC, it may render a more energetic, euphoria high than if you use THC by itself. 

Taking CBG and THC together may also mean you feel fewer of the adverse side effects that THC may cause, such as reduced cognitive function, anxiety, and paranoia. 

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Potential Benefits of CBD

Likewise, CBD has a wide variety of potential benefits:

CBD can promote mental relaxation

CBD promotes relaxation without causing a head high. As a result, many people find it helpful for stress and anxiety, including social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

There’s research to support this, too. 

One study found that CBD reduced anxiety in people subjected to a public speaking test.

Another study was done to see if CBD improves sleep and reduces anxiety. 57 out of 72 participants (79.2%) reported less anxiety during the first month of taking CBD — a clear indication of CBD’s mentally beneficial properties. 

CBD can support restful sleep

CBD’s ability to support deep mental and physical relaxation also means it’s effective at promoting restful sleep.

CBD can directly promote relaxation, but its ability to address problems like stress, anxiety, and pain also heavily contributes to its sleep-supporting benefits. 

Research shows CBD can provide therapeutic support for those with insomnia. Other studies indicate that CBD can improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. 

CBD supports a healthy inflammatory & pain response

CBD, like CBG, may support healthy inflammatory and pain responses.

Research suggests that CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. CBD is commonly used for tendonitis, as well as for nerve pain and gout pain.

CBD has also been studied for use with arthritis patients. More research is needed before we know CBD’s viability as an arthritis treatment, but anecdotally, we have many customers who use it to support joint health and mobility.

CBD supports heart health

CBD may relax the heart, just as it relaxes the mind and the rest of the body. 

Research suggests CBD is a vasorelaxant, meaning it can relax the blood vessels and decrease blood pressure. 

These properties may be especially beneficial if you also use THC. Using THC may cause your heart rate to increase, but combining it with CBD may mitigate this effect. 

CBD may also generally promote heart health by addressing issues that commonly endanger it, like excessive stress and anxiety.

CBD may have anti-convulsant properties

CBD is FDA-approved as an anti-seizure medication for specific types of epilepsy in the form of Epidiolex. 

Epidiolex is CBD isolate – just CBD, with no other cannabinoids. Clinical trials for this drug have found that it vastly reduces seizures for several forms of epilepsy, including Lennox-Gastaut Syndrom and Dravet Syndrome. 

There is also research to show that CBD may generally improve the quality of life for epilepsy patients. 

Anecdotally, CBD is commonly used as an alternative to Keppra, a common epilepsy prescription.

CBD may mitigate the downsides of THC

Although delta 9 THC has many potential benefits, it also has adverse side effects. But if used with CBD, these side effects are reduced – research shows CBD may reduce the reduction in motor coordination, increase in anxiety and paranoia, and increase in heart rate that THC can sometimes cause

Additionally, CBD may generally reduce the head high that THC gives, making for a more balanced, less overwhelming experience. 

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CBG vs. CBD for Anxiety

CBG and CBD both have therapeutic potential for anxiety. CBD is more relaxing and calming, whereas CBG is more uplifting and energizing. As a result, the better cannabinoid for your specific situation will depend on the nature of your anxiety.

Based on research and anecdotal evidence, CBG and CBD are, in essence, equally effective for stress and anxiety – it all comes down your unique needs. 

If you’re addressing before-bed anxiety, for example, CBD may be better since it helps calm you down. 

But if you’re addressing the anxiety that’s keeping you from getting out and taking action, CBG may be the right choice.

CBG vs. CBD for Sleep

Both CBG and CBD have potential benefits for sleep due to their ability to address issues like stress, anxiety, and pain. 

However, CBD is generally more beneficial than CBG for sleep because it’s mentally relaxing, whereas CBG is mentally uplifting and energizing – CBG may make it harder to get into a restful mood at night, so it’s best left to daytime use. 

CBG vs. CBD for Pain

Both CBG and CBD have benefits for those dealing with pain, and researchers haven’t determined which cannabinoid is more effective.

The main difference between how CBG and CBD work for pain is in how they make you feel. 

Most people report that CBG renders tangible, easily felt effects. On the other hand, CBD may minimize negative sensations, but it’s not as likely to create effects you can actively “feel.”

CBG may feel stronger, but it won’t necessarily always be the most effective – it all comes down to the effects you’re looking for. 

Natural Ways CBD tincture against blue sky background

CBG vs. CBD: Side Effects

Scientists consider both CBG and CBD to be safe and well-tolerated. Still, they may potentially cause some negative side effects. 

Potential side effects of CBG may include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry eyes
  • Increased appetite

Potential side effects of CBD may include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Fatigue

However, if you’re careful about using these cannabinoids, you’re less likely to feel severe side effects – if you feel any at all. 

Learn more about CBG dosage.

Learn more about CBD dosage. 

The Benefits of Using CBG and CBD Together

Instead of choosing between CBG and CBD, you might be better off saying yes to both of them. 

Not only is taking CBD and CBG together completely safe, but it’s more beneficial than taking these cannabinoids on their own.

Using CBG and CBD together creates the entourage effect — a phenomenon where cannabinoids render more benefits when used at the same time than when taken separately.

This effect is broadly seen across many cannabinoid combinations. But in the case of CBG and CBD, it has two specific  benefits:

  • Multiplied benefits – Taking CBG and CBD in combination renders stronger benefits for pain and inflammation, as well as for other things, than using either cannabinoid on its own.
  • Fewer downsides and side effects –  For example, CBG is energizing, making it problematic to use before bedtime. But by combining it with CBD, which is calming, you can get the other benefits of CBG without worrying about getting to sleep.

In short, the entourage effect makes both cannabinoids more effective while reducing the potential downsides of each.

Graphic showcasing the benefits of taking CBD and CBG together

Is CBG Legal? CBG from Hemp vs. Marijuana

As of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp, and cannabinoids derived from it, are federally legal in the US. This means CBG and CBD are both legal as long as they’re derived from hemp. 

Hemp is cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. Apart from this, there is no chemical difference between these plants, or between the CBG or CBD that is extracted from them – this distinction is set forth by lawmakers. 

Despite their federal legality, however, hemp-derived cannabinoids are restricted in some states – be sure to check your state’s laws before purchasing products containing these cannabinoids.

Conclusion: Should You Choose CBG or CBD?

As you’ve seen, both CBG and CBD have lots of benefits, and neither cannabinoid gets you high. They’re also both legal on the federal level. 

CBD, in general, is relaxing, while CBG is uplifting. This means that each cannabinoid may be better for specific times of day. Despite the difference in effects, these cannabinoids have many overlapping benefits, including for pain, inflammation, anxiety, and mood.

Just remember that you may be better off combining CBG and CBD than choosing between them – they’ll render more benefits and the effect will be more balanced. 

Want to learn more about cannabinoids? See our guides on CBC vs. CBG and CBG vs. THC!

CBG vs. CBD: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions we get asked about the differences between CBG and CBD. 

What is the difference between CBG and CBD?

CBG (cannabigerol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are both cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. The main difference between the two is that CBD is a major cannabinoid, while CBG is a minor cannabinoid – CBD naturally occurs in cannabis in larger amounts than CBG. These cannabinoids also interact differently with your body, creating unique sets of benefits and effects. 

Is CBG more effective than CBD?

CBG is more effective than CBD for some uses, but not all. It has energizing and uplifting effects, making it great for focus and productivity. Like CBD, it has benefits for inflammation and pain. However, CBD is more effective for sleep than CBG is, so neither cannabinoid is better overall.

What is CBG best for?

CBG is best for inflammation and daytime energy and mental clarity. CBG is also commonly used for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), autoimmune disorders, and other inflammatory problems.

How does CBG make you feel?

Most people say that CBG makes them feel energized and that it provides effects similar to coffee. However, CBG will not get you high as cannabinoids like THC do.

Is CBG or CBD better for anxiety?

Neither CBG nor CBD is necessarily better for anxiety, as they promote two different types of feelings. CBG is uplifting and energizing, while CBD is calming and relaxing. This makes CBG better if you’re anxious about things you have to do, while CBD is preferable for social anxiety and other situations where you want to be calm.