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What People Are Saying About Us
General feeling of well being.
I have tried many prescription and non-prescription sleep remedies, including gummies. Drifty Zzz's is the first gummy that works, and it doesn't leave me groggy the next day.
This stuff takes the edge off all my pain without affecting my level of consciousness.
This is an absolute game changer
My husband has Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) which is nerve damage caused from Shingles. The pain is in his mid & lower back, across ribs, and on his chest. I can literally feel hot spots on his skin from the inflammation (one side of his back is hot while the rest of his back is not). I started using this on him and he is amazed at how well this alleviates the burning pain by numbing it. It also smells very good, love the way it smells. It doesn't leave a greasy mess behind. I also had a cramp in my neck from how I must have slept, asked him to rub my neck. Without knowing what he used on me (I thought he grabbed my coconut + Castor oil concoction with Essential oils I made for him), he used CANNA CREAM and my muscles in the neck loosened up, there is a nice cooling sensation, and it smells amazing. I was shocked that this worked so quickly. Definitely going to buy more, I just wish there was a bigger bottle.
General feeling of well being.
I have tried many prescription and non-prescription sleep remedies, including gummies. Drifty Zzz's is the first gummy that works, and it doesn't leave me groggy the next day.
This stuff takes the edge off all my pain without affecting my level of consciousness.
This is an absolute game changer
My husband has Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) which is nerve damage caused from Shingles. The pain is in his mid & lower back, across ribs, and on his chest. I can literally feel hot spots on his skin from the inflammation (one side of his back is hot while the rest of his back is not). I started using this on him and he is amazed at how well this alleviates the burning pain by numbing it. It also smells very good, love the way it smells. It doesn't leave a greasy mess behind. I also had a cramp in my neck from how I must have slept, asked him to rub my neck. Without knowing what he used on me (I thought he grabbed my coconut + Castor oil concoction with Essential oils I made for him), he used CANNA CREAM and my muscles in the neck loosened up, there is a nice cooling sensation, and it smells amazing. I was shocked that this worked so quickly. Definitely going to buy more, I just wish there was a bigger bottle.
General feeling of well being.
I have tried many prescription and non-prescription sleep remedies, including gummies. Drifty Zzz's is the first gummy that works, and it doesn't leave me groggy the next day.
This stuff takes the edge off all my pain without affecting my level of consciousness.
This is an absolute game changer

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